Monday, August 21, 2023
The vote of the representatives of the parliament regarding the direct investment in the National Development Fund The vote of the representatives of the parliament regarding the direct investment in the National Development Fund
By kangarloo-a @ 6:06 AM :: 250 Views :: 0 Comments :: Article Rating :: News

Mehdi Ghazanfari, in a conversation with the Public Relations of the National Development Fund, referred to the parliament's decision today regarding the authorization granted to the National Development Fund to utilize its financial resources for financing projects and initiatives through investments or providing facilities. He stated, "The plan for financial provisioning and production leap through amending two laws on maximum production capacity and removing production barriers has been under review in the Islamic Consultative Assembly for the past month, and Article 13 of this law has granted permission to the National Development Fund for investments."

He continued, "This matter has been under consideration by the National Development Fund for quite some time, as some had raised doubts about it not being explicitly mentioned in the Fund's charter regarding investments. While this doubt was not accurate, today this issue has been approved as a permanent law of the country."

The CEO of the National Development Fund explained concerning Article 13: "According to Article 13, the National Development Fund is authorized to provide financing for production and infrastructure projects in both foreign and national currencies, based on a mechanism approved by the Board of Trustees. This financing can be achieved through both investments and providing facilities. Essentially, this clause not only maintains the Fund's previous financing methods but also adds a new dimension to its financing capabilities, which is an investment. This is especially significant when the country is in dire need of investment, and the resources of the National Development Fund can be utilized for investments in the fields of production and national development."

Ghazanfari further added, "Therefore, the subject that had previously been approved by the Board of Trustees of the National Development Fund can now be implemented due to the current law, and after the approval in the Guardian Council." according to this report, the representatives of the Islamic Consultative Assembly today, on Monday, 29th of August, allowed the National Development Fund to use its financial resources for financing projects and initiatives through investments or providing facilities.